As you may have noticed I changed my format a bit, but I hope you still like it. It has and will look a little something like this.
*This may contain spoilers*
My Review:
I've taken out the description portion because allot of times you get the feel for a movie by the review its self. If you have any questions fel free to comment. Thank you, Cole.
I hope to help people find the movies that make them laugh, smile, think, cry, and love.
18 June, 2011
Fast Five

*This may contain spoilers*
Rating: PG13 "Violence, Action, Sexual content, and Language"
Staring: Vin Diesil and Paul Walker
Genre: Crime, action, thriller
Released: 29th of April, 2011
My Review:
I enjoyed it, it is probably my favourite of the series! For starters it takes place in one of my favourite cities Rio De Janero, Brazil. It has nice cars, good driving, and the taking down or helping to take down a crime boss, what's there not to love? Well made, alright acting. I've never been real fond of Dwayne Johnson's acting abilities, but aside from that it was good. I would say if you liked the other Fast movies, you will really love this one. I would say of the actual quality of the movie this one is the best in the series. I also feel like it wrapped up some things that you wanted to see and end to.
To sum it up, I'd say watch it. I liked it.
Law Abiding Citizen

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: R for, "strong bloody brutal violence and torture, a scene of rape, and pervasive language"
Staring: Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler.
Released: 16th October, 2009.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller.
Clyde (Gerard Butler) Shelton's family was killed, and the man who did it got off with not much but a scratch. Would Clyde just let that go? Would he try and avenge his families death? If he did, could he be stopped?
My Review:
It was good, but it did have allot of intense parts. It wasn't as scary as many had said, though the torture scene would make most people uneasy. It had great acting, and a good plot, I think the movie came together well. I will warn you there is a scene of rape, though not explicit, and not disgusting. You can get the idea across that something bad happened without showing it, and this movie did that.
To sum it up, not for everyone, but it was okay.
Country Strong

*This may contain spoilers*
Rating: PG-13 for "thematic elements involving alcohol abuse and some sexual content"
Staring: Gwyneth Paltrow and Garrett Hedlund
Released: 7th of January, 2011.
Genre: Drama, Music.
My Review:
It was really Good, I enjoyed it. It was sad all the things that happened in the life of Paltrow's character, and how it was portrait in the movie I think is true to allot of "Hollywood", of you will. I loved the music, and I think they really casted a group of great actors.. And not to mention the fabulous dresses. It had it's moments of being predictable as all movies really do, but I was pleasantly surprised with some plot twists. Over all I liked it, it wouldn't go on my list of greatest movies or anything like that but I would definitely recommend it to someone.
To sum it up, if you liked pure country and Water For Elephants you'll probably like this.
18 May, 2011

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG13 for, "mature thematic elements including disturbing disaster and accident images, and for brief strong language."
Staring: Cécile De France and Matt Damon
Released: 22nd of October, 2010.
Genre: Drama, Fantasy.
George (Matt Damon) Lonegan can speak to the dead, some would say it's a gift, he would say it's a curse. He tries to escape this "Gift" but every where he goes people seem to find him. Will he ever get his normal life?
My Review:
I quite liked it. Matt Damon was great as usual. I liked how the movie was put together, jumping from scene to scene, but not too much. It had an interesting story, and was well made. So often people think because the story is good, it's going to make the movie good, that is not so. This movie was interesting and over all really good. Clint Eastwood is a fabulous director.
To sum it up, I liked it allot.
17 May, 2011
The Green Hornet

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG13 for, "sequences of violent action, language, sensuality and drug content."
Staring: Seth Rogen and Jay Chou.
Released: 14Th of January, 2011.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime.
After the death of his successful business man dad, Brett (Seth Rogen) Reid is left with the family newspaper company, knowing nothing about running a business. But with an idea and the help of his fathers mechanic Kato (Jay Chou), he may just find a way to run this paper.
My Review:
It was good, not the best super hero movie, but certainly not the worst. I had heard some terrible reviews about the lame action, boring dialogue, and bad acting. I will say now, I disagree, sure it wasn't the most fantastic movie, but I thought it was funny, in the beginning the acting was a little campy, but it got better as the movie went on. The action was what should be expected, and yes though you could say it was unrealistic, it is a super hero movie, sometimes their stunts are a little over the top. There was more language than I think people were expecting, so that was probably one of the reasons some people didn't like it. Over all I thought it was pretty good, not necessarily for younguns, but pretty funny.
To sum it up, I enjoyed it.
15 May, 2011
It's Kind of a Funny Story

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG13 for, "mature thematic issues, sexual content, drug material and language."
Staring: Keir Gilchrist and Zach Galifianakis.
Released: 7Th of January, 2011.
Genre: Comedy, Drama.
Craig (Keir Gilchrist) is feeling depressed, he checks himself into a hospital, minimum stay, 5 days. Is he as crazy as all the other patients, are the patients really as crazy as he thinks?
I will tell you ahead of time, I believe the PG13 rating is appropriate, though only by comparison. But it is different then the majority of PG13 movies, it is similar to a movie like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World if you were looking for kind of the reason it was rated that. It sort of reminded me of a mix of Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World and Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and then you add a hospital. It was quite funny. The cast was great. I love how the movie was put together, high five to all who helped with the editing.
To sum it up, it had it's downfalls, but I liked it.
12 May, 2011
How Do You Know?

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG13 for, "sexual content and some strong language." (on appeal/re-edit); Originally rated R for, "some language"
Staring: Reese Witherspoon and Paul Rudd.
Released: 17Th of December, 2010.
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance.
Lisa (Reese Witherspoon) is a great softball player, but is she good enough to make it in next years team? It's started becoming serious with her baseball boyfriend Matty (Owen Wilson), that is as serious as he could get. But when some one new came along, would she stay or go? After all "We are all just one small adjustment away from making our lives work."
It was okay, not the best written movie, and that was kind of sad because it has such a hilarious cast, Owen Wilson, Paul Rudd, Reese Witherspoon. So in that way I was disappointed, but it was okay. The trailers built up this really funny film, it was funny, but not really funny. Basically all the good parts were showed in the trailer. Jack Nicholson gave his usual boring performance, and Kathryn Hahn gave her usual hilarious performance. If you don't know Kathryn Hahn you should, because one day she will get a role that shows just how great she is, and you will want to know who she is. The "R" rating it was originally given was in my opinion inaccurate, not because I think it necessarily should be PG13, but because if you did a comparison to other movies that are rated R and PG13, I think it should go into the PG13 category. It had "The F Word" twice, but I mean honestly, lots of PG13 movies say much worse things.
To sum it up, it was alright.
07 May, 2011
And Then There Were None

*This may contain spoilers*
Rating: Not Rated
Staring: Barry Fitzgerald and Walter Huston
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery
Released: 31st of October, 1945
My Review:
This is really and truly one of my very favourite movies of all time. It is the perfect suspense film. There's nothing like 10 people on an island, in black and white. This is a wonderful adaption to film by Rene Clair of Agatha Christie's beautiful book. I would recommend this to anyone. This was from the time of true suspense films, none of this slasher, or paranormal stuff. This was the real deal. This is one of the best movies ever made.
To sum it up, it's phenomenal. Everyone should watch it.
21 March, 2011
Battle: Los Angeles

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG13 for, "sustained and intense sequences of war violence and destruction, and for language."
Staring: Aaron Eckhart and Ramon Rodriguez.
Released: 11th of March, 2011.
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller.
Aliens come down, from who-knows-where, to harvest our planet and kill all of humanity in the process. They attacked dozens of coastal locations around the world, with remarkable tactical skills and resilience. The worlds only defence is the military finding a way to out smart and out arm them. In grand shoot outs and chases this happens. But the battles not over just yet, they've only won back Los Angeles.
My Review:
So, I liked it, it had a few cheesy moments, but only a few. For instance "Maybe I can help. I'm a veterinarian." though the movie was at a sort of intense part, a few of my fellow movie goers and I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I was kind of expecting a boring extraterrestrial film, with violence, cussing, and gore to make up for lack of a plot, and bad acting. But it was interesting it had a little drama, but not so much that it takes away from this being an action film. It had allot of fun explosions, and such. I would say if you like action, you should watch this.
To sum it up, if you like action and aliens watch it.
14 March, 2011

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG for "Action and some language."
Staring: Will Ferrell and Brad Pitt
Released: 5th of November, 2010.
Genre: Animation, Action, Family, Comedy, Sci-Fi.
Escaping from dying planets two babies were sent to earth, both with strange ability's, one took on the name of Metro (Brad Pitt) Man and the other took a more "humble" name Megamind (Will Ferrell). One turned to the good ways of helping the city and the other took to the ways of destruction. Megamind and Metro Man battles for years until some fatal events left the city with no protector, and Megamind was set to rule the city, but he got bored of being the ruler and decide to create a new super hero to fight him. But as it seems that didn't work out and maybe Megamind isn't such a bad guy after all, maybe he does deserve love and happiness. Maybe megamind can take a turn at saving the city of Metropolis.
My Review:
It was great, the writers Alan Schoolcraft and Brent Simons must have had a blast writing this. It was very clever. You could watch it and pay attention and find that it has so many wonderful hidden things through out it and you would get so much out of it. Yet you could watch it, not pay attention, and still get it. It was wonderfully made, possibly one of the best animated films ever. Will Ferrell, and I'm sure Brad Pitt had a great time voicing it also, because it was so clever and funny. I would recommend this for every one except maybe children who are scared easily because there are a few moments that might scare a small child, but really it's great for anyone.
To sum it up, just watch it.
26 February, 2011
And then there were none.

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: NR
Staring: Barry Fitzgerald and Walter Huston
Released: 31st of October, 1945.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller.
Based on the book "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. 10 people all invited by a stranger, Mr. Owen, told to come to this island, Indian Island, for different reasons. Strange things started happening, they all realised that none of them had ever met this person who had invited them. On the first day a record was played to them, telling all of the things they had done. They had all committed a crime, and none had payed for it. Soon one by one they started dying off, and all there deaths surprisingly mimicked the song Ten Little Indians. They searched the island and found that there was no one but them, and that it had to be one of them. "Mr. Owen could only come to the island in one way. It's perfectly clear. Mr. Owen is one of us." But who? Would any one survive, or would it end like the nursery rhyme.
My Review:
First off if you don't know anything about Agatha Christie you should probably read up on her, she is the top notch in mystery/thriller novels. Also this is hands down my favourite black and white movie, and it really wouldn't be good any other way. It's a wonderful wonderful movie. Beautifully directed by René Clair.
To sum it up, I would highly recommend it.
The Matrix

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: R for "sci-fi violence and brief language."
Staring: Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne.
Released: 31st of March, 1999
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi.
A war was struck between AI (Artificial Intelligence) and human kind, AI took it's energy from the sun, so humans decided to block out the sun, but AI found another way to run, it started harvesting humans energy and creating new humans. But to keep them from a rebellion, from escaping their pods, they were not shown the world around them, but rather they were put in the Matrix. The Matrix is stuck hundreds of years in the past, it shows people an alternate reality. But there are few who have escaped the Matrix, there are few who are rebels trying to bring down AI and the Matrix. They search the Matrix for people to extract, people who are exceptional, people who can help them. They finally found one, they found the one. The one who would help them bring down the Matrix.
My Review:
To all the people who told me this was a must see, this was one of the greatest movies ever made, I would like to say that I disagree. I went into this with an open mind and came out of it with a mind made up. I suppose it had some good graphics, some fun action scenes. But so so much of the content I think should have been approached different or removed. Not to mention the countless errors, people moving from scene to scene, reflections not lining up, weapons completely changing in the middle of a sequence. It wasn't awful, but I probably wont watch it again.
To sum it up, it's not a must see.
Der Untergang (The Downfall)

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: R for "strong violence, disturbing images and some nudity"
Staring: Bruno Ganz and Alexandra Maria Lara.
Released: 16th of September, 2004.
Genre: Biography, Drama, History, War.
Adolf (Bruno Ganz) Hitlers last days in his bunker in Berlin. It is told from the view of his secretary Traudl (Alexandra Maria Lara) Junge. I will say only a few things as I assume, and hope, every one already knows the story of Hitler and at least a bit about his final days. This movie is based on two books, the first (Der Untergang) written by German historian and son of a German man who opposed the Nazi regime named Joachim Fest, and the second (Bis zur letzten Stunde) written by Melissa Müller and Traudl Junge about Traudl Junge's life, including her time with Hitler.
My Review:
This is, in my opinion, THE best WWII film about the German side. It depicts him in a way I think shows why so many loved him and were devoted to him. It is a true story and I believe that every one should understand what the Nazis were doing and what World War II was. It deeply saddens me how ignorant so so many are about history! If we do not know the treacherous past, how can we stop it from repeating? There is some nudity, and also quite a bit of violence. But, it was a violent awful war. I'm not saying you should be able to watch this and not be bothered by the violence, I'm saying you should watch this and yes be bothered and be aware and be sure that this doesn't happen again. This movie is wonderful acted, and beautifully made. And it is all spoken in German, but is subtitled in english.
to sum it up, it is the best.
A Beautiful Mind

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG-13 for, "Intense thematic material, sexual content and a scene of violence."
Staring: Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly.
Released: 4th of January, 2002.
Genre: Biography, Drama.
This is the true story of mathematician John (Russell Crowe) Nash. For so long he lived with delusions, unknown to any one, until he became paranoid from one of the delusions. Could he be cured? Could he learn to live with it? Could his wife live with it?
My Review:
Right after watching it, I had mixed feelings. Mostly it was because I was thrown by Russell Crowe's character, it wasn't like allot of his usual parts. But after getting past the difference in character, I loved it. His delusions were so believable, yet looking back you can see their errors, how they're not real. It was so interesting. And on top of being an overall interesting movie, it had math in it! There are not enough movies about education, not "educational movies", ones about education, teachers, students, and such. This movie from the production side, was made beautifully.
To sum it up, I quite enjoyed it.
August Rush

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG for, "some thematic elements, mild violence and language."
Staring: Freddie Highmore and Keri Russell
Released: 21St of November, 2007.
Genre: Drama, Music, Romance.
A child separated from his parents at birth is on the hunt for his family, he knows they're out there, he believes that he can find them, if only he could get out of this housing, and find his way to a city. Maybe they would hear him? Maybe they would know who he was?
My Review:
It was good, I loved the music. Robin Williams roll was surprising, but interesting. Over all I enjoyed it, I would probably watch it again. It was interesting, romantic, fun. Well acted, well made. It had just enough drama, but not too much.
To sum it up, if you love music, you'll like this.
Forest Gump
I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG-13 for, "drug content, some sensuality and war violence."
Staring: Tom Hanks and Robin Wright
Released: 6Th of July, 1994.
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance.
This is about a boy, who's a little different from the other kids, his name is Forrest (Tom Hanks), Forrest Gump. Forrest grows up with out many friends, he actually just had one, her name was Jenny (Robin Wright), he loved Jenny. From kindergarten, to college, to the army, to the shrimping business, many things have changed, but one thing was always the same, he always loved Jenny.
My Review:
Not only is this filled with good acting, and an interesting plot, but also it is filled with so much history. Though this movie is fictional and Forrest Gump wasn't actually involved in all the events in the movie, they are things that really happened in American history. This movie incorporates so many significant events, so well. It's a bit long, but it keeps you interested.
To sum it up, I like it allot!
Rating: PG-13 for, "drug content, some sensuality and war violence."
Staring: Tom Hanks and Robin Wright
Released: 6Th of July, 1994.
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance.
This is about a boy, who's a little different from the other kids, his name is Forrest (Tom Hanks), Forrest Gump. Forrest grows up with out many friends, he actually just had one, her name was Jenny (Robin Wright), he loved Jenny. From kindergarten, to college, to the army, to the shrimping business, many things have changed, but one thing was always the same, he always loved Jenny.
My Review:
Not only is this filled with good acting, and an interesting plot, but also it is filled with so much history. Though this movie is fictional and Forrest Gump wasn't actually involved in all the events in the movie, they are things that really happened in American history. This movie incorporates so many significant events, so well. It's a bit long, but it keeps you interested.
To sum it up, I like it allot!
19 February, 2011
The A Team

*This may contain spoilers*
Rating: PG-13 "intense sequences of action and violence throughout, language and smoking"
Staring: Bradley Cooper and Liam Neeson
Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller
Released: 11th of June, 2010
My Review
I know it doesn't say comedy in the "genre" section, but it was really funny, and that's what made the movie. It was good it had some impossible seeming stunts and action shots, but that was almost comical, they made the movie interesting. The acting was good, it was action packed as you would expect. But there was more to it then just the action, it had a little but of drama, some romance, and as I said the comedy element was very present in the film. It had a great colour to the film, very vibrant, I thought it was well made, I could watch it more then once, that's for sure.
To sum it up, I really liked it, I laughed allot!
14 February, 2011
Gnomeo and Juliet

*This may contain spoilers*
Rating: G
Staring: James McAvoy and Emily Blunt.
Released: 11Th of February ,2011.
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Romance.
This had the basic story line of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". You know two families that don't get along, because of ancient history, two young people fall in love one from each of the feuding families.. It was the same in that aspect, but this included some ally racing and a few ceramic law decorations.. all of which naturally talk. It was alright. It was pretty funny the first time I watched it, but really quite boring the second and third. There was really only two characters I liked, one a trusty sidekick and the other a strange bird. It was bright and full of energy, kids would like it for that. But I wouldn't say it's one of those movies that the whole family would enjoy... More then once.
To sum it up, eh it was alright.

*This may (THIS WILL) contain spoilers*
Rating: PG13 for, "violence and disturbing images, thematic material and some language including sexual references."
Staring: Logan Marshall-Green and Chris Messina.
Released: 17th of September, 2010.
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Horror.
My Review:
What an amazing performance. M. Night Shyamalan has again showed me why I love him. I enjoy movies that are not of this world, ones that are fantasy, and I like movies where there are things in our world that are not reality, but I'm not usually a "Scary Movie" fan. I loved that this movie said something unique. Usually when I'm watching a movie I get frustrated because they tend to depict the devil as not truly evil, some might argue that this is one of those movies. But I want to clear that up that up, if you are also one of those people who gets frustrated by that. In the very Beginning of the movie they quote a verse from the Holy Bible (1 Peter 5:8) that says "Be of sober spirit, be on alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour." and as you know already in the movie four died, three of them being ones in the elevator, and by that count I am excluding the character representing the devil. In my opinion I yes, believe in the devil, but no, I do not think he, himself comes as a human form that can move about through walls and such as it did in the movie when she disappeared. Though I am in the opinion that the devil entices people, and I believe that there is his presents here on earth. I also believe that he is totally evil. Now in this movie where the devil goes to take Tony's life, Tony being the last living human in the elevator, you could say that girl in his arms was alive, but we know she dies so let assume she is already dead. When the devil approaches him, speaking to him, Tony says to him, I believe the devil is a HE taking the human form of a woman, take me not her, her in reference to the woman who is or is almost dead in his arms. The devil does not believe that he would really give his life for that, the devil is ready to take Tony for the sins he has committed, but Tony is ready give his life away because he knows that when he hit that woman and child in there car years earlier and drove away, he knew he was wrong for that, he knew that it was his fault, and he was truly, whole heartily sorry. He then confessed what he did, he repented, to put in a term, he cleaned his heart, and as it says again in the Holy Bible (Matthew 5:8) "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God". I think this movie not only was a good representation of that, but also just really well made, well acted and altogether a good movie.
To sum it up, I'd say watch it.
23 January, 2011
Country Strong

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating; PG-13 for, "Thematic elements involving alcohol abuse and some sexual content."
Staring; Gwyneth Paltrow and Garrett Hedlund.
Released; 7Th of January, 2011.
Genre; Drama, Music.
Country star Kelly (Gwyneth Paltrow) Canter had some hard times, that sent her to rehab, but she's feeling good and ready to get back on the road with her husband James(Tim McGraw) and new openers Beau (Garrett Hedlund) and Chiles (Leighton Meester). But will the pressure be to much? Can she take going back to all the places that put her in rehab to begin with?
My Review:
I liked it, it had it's sad moments, actually quite a few sad moments, but it had it's happy ones too. I liked how the movie played out, I liked how it flowed from scene to scene. It had a way of being surprising, without having ridiculous twists. I also loved that the actors actually did the singing, who knew that with a little, or rather allot, of training that Hedlund, Meester, and Paltrow could all sing like that, I commend them for that. It was good, but it also had a few intense moments. Some of the content I thought wasn't needed it just seemed like a filler, but over all I liked it.
To sum it up, it was good.
18 January, 2011
Nanny McPhee Returns

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG, for "Rude humor, some language and mild thematic elements"
Staring: Maggie Gyllenhaal and Emma Thompson.
Released: 20th of August, 2010.
Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy.
With her husband away at war, Isabel (Maggie Gyllenhaal) Green is left at home with her three children to take care of. She was doing well until her sisters two children came to live with them. The five children clashed and the house became crazy, Isabel didn't know what to do, but help was on the way, with Nanny (Emma Thompson) McPhee, but was it too late? Could the children be taught?
My Review:
It was made about the same as the other Nanny McPhee, by made I mean, similar filming, and locations. It was really what you expect if you watched the first one. If not, it was pretty fun, heart warming, you could say, and enjoyable. The movies are adaptions of children's books, so it's again what you would expect from that.
To sum it up, I think the kids and parents would like it.
13 January, 2011
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole

*This may contain spoilers*
Rating; PG for, "Some sequences of scary action."
Staring; Emily Barclay and Jim Sturgess.
Released; 24Th of September, 2010.
Genre; Animation, Adventure, Fantasy.
My Review:
I really liked it. It was well voiced, and the designers really knew how to capture a picture, and not to mention the artist who put a boat load of work into it. It was beautifully made in that sense. Also as some might know it is an analogy of World War Two, and you see the when you watch it. Some owls representing the Jews, other minorities, and those who helped them. And the others representing the Aryans. While WWII was a long time ago, it really wasn't that long ago. It happened in my grandparents lifetimes, and yet people are forgetting all the horrific thing that happened. I think this movie had a great way of putting that war and it really made it interesting. And it was just a good movie. It would be a bit scary for some, especially some young. But I would definitely recommend it to people for their entertainment and for the educational value, you can learn allot from a movie like this.
To sum it up, surely worth watching.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating; PG, for "Some frightening images and sequences of fantasy action."
Staring; Georgie Henley and Skandar Keynes.
Released; 10Th of December, 2010.
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy.
Lucy (Georgie Henley) and Edmund (Skandar Keynes) return to Narnia, this time without their two older siblings, but with their annoying cousin Eustace (Will Poulter). Off to a new mission, to save Narnia.
My Review:
It was like all the other Narnia films, though the acting has become better as the actors have gotten older. It was pretty good, I watched it twice. It's one of those movies that you could watch over. I'm not super fond of the Narnia films, I just don't like the half human - half animals, that's really one of the main reasons I don't like it all that much. But it was made well, good quality. Really a good family movie, fun for every one, except the overly sensitive, as it does have a few intense parts. But over all, a good movie.
To sum it up, it was a good family film.
Knight and Day

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating; PG-13, for "sequences of action violence throughout, and brief strong language."
Staring; Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz
Released; 23rd, of June, 2010.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Thriller.
June (Cameron Diaz) Havens has a normal life, until she get caught up with a former CIA agent Roy (Tom Cruise) Miller who was framed, and is on the lam. Can they prove him innocent?
My Review:
To my surprise, it was hilarious! I mean honestly Tom Cruise funny? Yes. It was good, it was unpredictable at times, which is always a plus. It had some language that might surprise people, but not to much. It was an average action-adventure-comedy. I liked, I laughed some.
To sum it up, it was entertaining.
06 January, 2011
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating; PG-13, for "Stylized violence, sexual content, language and drug references."
Staring; Michael Cera and Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
Released; 13Th of August, 2010.
Genre; Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Adventure.
Scott (Michael Cera) Pilgrim fell in love with a girl named Ramona (Mary Winstead) Flower, and had to battle her 7 ex's in a world of wild animation.
My Review:
The funny thing about this plot is that it's kind of hard to explain, I actually liked it allot. It was really funny but you kind of felt like it was supposed to be serious sometimes. It was a unique movie in it's animation, because as time went on it became more and more like a comic book. Michael Cera was great in this, he was the perfect choice for this role. I only said a little bit about the plot but that was because, there isn't really a whole lot to say. Scott was in a failing band, met Ramona and now is battling her evil ex's. It had wacky battle sequences, it was good. I wasn't really expecting to like it, but I did. I was surprisingly clean, I'm not saying it was, because it wasn't, but I am saying for the cast and plot it was surprisingly clean. But it does deserve it's rating.
To sum it up, it was pretty funny.
05 January, 2011
True Grit

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG-13, for "Some intense sequences of western violence including disturbing images."
Staring: Hailee Steinfeld and Jeff Bridges.
Released: 22Nd of December, 2010.
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Western.
It has the same basic plot as the original True Grit , there were a few changes, but nothing that needs to be mentioned. Obviously the cast changed, Jeff Bridges was Reuben J. 'Rooster' Cogburn, and Hailee Steinfeld as Mattie Ross.
My Review:
As a fan of the original it was hard to go see, but I am glad I did. I honestly did not like the plot changes, I though they seemed unlikely and not needed, but aside from that I liked it. I am not fond of Jeff Bridges acting, but I thought he played Rooster well, it quite surprised me, over all as a general I thought the casting was good. The film quality was good. Over all it was a well made movie, I wasn't interested enough maybe to watch it again, or buy it, but perhaps if it was on television and I flipped to that channel I might watch it again.
To sum it up, it was pretty good, but not as good as the original.
True Grit (Original)

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating; G
Staring; John Wayne and Kim Darby
Released; 11Th of June, 1969.
Genre; Adventure, Western, Drama.
After the death of her father Mattie (Kim Darby) Ross sent out to find her fathers killer, but she couldn't do this on her own. So she asked around and finally found the meanest marshal in town Reuben J. (John Wayne) 'Rooster' Cogburn. After some time persuading him he agreed to go hunt down Quincy (Jeremy Slate), Mr.Ross' killer. But before they could leave they were joined by a man also hunting down Quincy, La Boeuf (Glen Campbell), though Maddie didn't want him going, Rooster said other wise. They had quite the events, and almost caught Quincy, but instead he got Maddie. Rooster and La Boeuf were able to get Maddie back, but not without a few consequences, Maddie was bitten by a snake so Rooster had to race to get her to a doctor, and La Boeuf died. Maddie recovered and her fathers murder was avenged. And Maddie asked Rooster an odd request when he came to visit her after she recovered, she asked if he would be buried in the family cemetery when he died, and he agreed.
My Review;
First off it's John Wayne, so you know it's going to be pretty good. This movie is one of those ones where you're watching it and you get excided because you know he’s going to beat them. It's one of my favourite Wayne westerns. It just has that classic feel, with the beautiful scenes, and colour. The acting was pretty good, though I thought the girl was a little over the top, and Le Beouf could have been played by someone who wasn't Glen Campbell. But over all it was good.
To sum it up, watch it, if for nothing else, John Wayne.

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating: PG-13 for, "Sequences of violence and action throughout."
Staring: Ellen Page and Leonardo DiCaprio
Released: 16Th of July, 2010.
Genre: Action, Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Sci-Fi.
This is the story about a man who, you could say, is a thought thief. Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) goes into the dreams of people to extract information from them, by breaking into a vault of their secrets. But how long can he go before he can't tell reality from dream? Will his secrets help him, or will they kill him?
My Review:
It was good, and I'm saying that from the perspective of not liking the majority of movies Leonardo DiCaprio is in, I though his acting was great. The movie had wonderful graphics, intriguing dialogue. I was kind of let down, because of the press this got, I thought it was going to be one of those movies that if you took your eye off of it you wouldn't know what happened, and I love those kind of movies. But it wasn't I understood it fine, and I wish I had not seen all the press about this movie, and so many people saying it was the most complex movie they have ever seen. But none the less, I like it. It was well made, well acted, so interesting.
To sum it up, I would recommend it.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating; PG-13 for, "Brief strong language and thematic elements"
Staring; Shia LaBeouf and Michael Douglas
Released; 24th of September, 2010.
Genre; Drama.
After getting out of jail Gordon (Michael Douglas) Gekko decides to turn his life around, to help people, to help people who think that money is every thing. He once thought that, that's how he got in jail. That was in the 1980's, it's the 21st century now, the stock market has changed, and his daughter Winnie (Carey Mulligan) Gekko has grown up. His daughter is now engaged to a man who just also happens to be in the market, his name is Jake (Shia LaBeouf) Moore. Jake decides to meet Mr. Gekko, his fiancé’s estranged father, though his fiancé would not be happy with that, they talk about Winnie then about money. Then there was a series of wall street, stock market, money man events. Then Jake finds out that Winnie is a millionaire, but she doesn't want it and it's in a Swiss bank account anyways so she couldn't get it back to America. Just when they start to repair the relationship between Father and Daughter, it turns out he didn't change in prison, he's just preaching that money isn't life, he was supposed to help move the money from the bank, to America, but instead he stole it, he started a new company in England, and ruined his Daughters relationship with her soon to be fiancé, and as was found out also soon to be the father of her son. But in the end Gordon Gekko felt bad for being an awful person, and came to apologize, Jake and Winnie were able to work out their problems, and every one was happy.
My Review;
So I want to start on a high note, by saying that some one had fun with the cameras. I liked the cinematography, it felt different from other movies for some reason. Now to the plot, it was all over the place, and not in a good way, it's not that it was hard to follow, but it was annoying to follow. Though I did like some of the actual acting, I think Shia LeBeouf is a wonderful actor, and honestly he was the main reason I watched this movie without first knowing anything about it. It was alright, it was pretty good about explaining things, but I think it could have been better.
To sum it up, it was alright, but not a must see.

I'm going to start by giving you some film stats, about the plot, then go into my review. *WARNING - THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*
Rating; PG-13 for, "Violence and scary images."
Staring; Christopher Plummer and Elijah Wood.
Released; 9Th of September, 2009.
Genre; Adventure, Animation, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller.
This is about the world after a great war, a war where it was man versus machine. There was a scientist who built this machine that learned from it's mistakes, this could be so valuable, but it fell into the wrong hands and was taken over by a villain who turned the machine evil, the machine soon started a war, it started building more machines that it would control, in this battle of man and machine, machine won. But before the scientist took his last breath he built these little men, these creatures, but he didn't build him like he built the machine, he didn't build them with is mind, he built them with his soul. There were nine of them, he built them to continue on earth, to be the future, to shut down the machine. When 9(Elijah Wood) was born, you could say, he came out of the house where he was built and searched for others, like him. He soon found them. They were hesitant to try and shut down the machine, but eventually they did, through some great adventures. They are left with only four of them, but that was enough, the machine was defeated, it was there world now, it was what they made of it.
My Review;
Because of this movie I liked Tim Burton, I soon found that this was one of only a few that I liked of his, but it was good. This movie was so different from many movies that I had seen, it was dark but had it's happy moments still. I think this was better then most of the movies where machines take over the world, because it wasn't shown from a humans perspective, and that I think is what made it unique. I will warn you that you must not let it being a cartoon fool you, it deserves it's PG13 rating, it's not a kids movie.
To sum it up, if you're into those kind of movies, watch it.
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